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Legal Disclaimer


ENERGY TRANSITION INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL, a company incorporated in the form of société par actions simplifiée under the laws of France, having its registered office at 42 rue Notre Dame des Victoires 75002 Paris, France and registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris under number 880 088 158.


Energy Transition International Capital “ETIC” is an LLC with a share capital of 10,000 euros.

The RCS of Energy Transition International Capital is: Paris 880 088 158.

Energy Transition International Capital’s SIREN number is: 880 088 158.

Energy Transition International Capital’s SIRET number is: 880 088 158 00022

Energy Transition International Capital’s’s NAF / APE code is: 7022Z.

Energy Transition International Capital is a Private Markets Advisor. Member of the ANACOFI-CIF, registered with the French Financial Market Authority, under the number E010038 and ORIAS under the number 22002257.

The supervisory authority is therefore the AMF: https://www.amf-france.org/

The contact details of the AMF Mediator are:

Energy Transition International Capital is insured for Professional Liability by LIBERTY MUTUAL INSUR EUROPE LD, 42, rue Washington 75008 Paris, under the policy number AB7HJ1-001.

Energy Transition International Capital ‘s intra-community VAT number: FR49880088158.

Publication director: Simon Quiret.

The AIFM has appointed Energy Transition International Capital as Investment Advisor. In accordance with the provisions of the Offering Documents, the Investment Advisor’s remuneration shall be paid directly by the General Partner in the amount and at the conditions established separately in writing. Such remuneration shall consist of an Investment Advisory Fee.

Contact details: Energy Transition International Capital, 42 rue Notre Dame des Victoires 75002 PARIS.