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Who we are

Energy Transition International Capital

ETIC partners believe that the best way to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy is by working closely with developers that have proven their success in bringing projects to market by giving them the financial tools they need

ETIC partners is an ethical market player connecting the world of developers with that of investors

ETIC’s approach

Energy Transition International Capital “ETIC” was founded in 2019 by Simon Quiret and Pierre Pochet. ETIC, by drawing on its industrial expertise and by providing innovative financing solutions to optimise their balance sheet, is positioned as the partner of independent renewable energy producers. Between them, the two founding partners have over 23 years of experience within the sector.

A team with specialized industry experience in energy infrastructure

Combined skills in project development, engineering, debt and equity financing, M&A, international finance, fund management, institutional investment

Governance : a commitment to transparency and accountability

  • Focus on reporting, disclosure, and compliance means that all processes and transactions will be observable to external stakeholders
  • A team that will take ownership over actions and the consequences of those actions

Financial performance…with an altruistic core

  • Stable cash yield with access to upside
  • 20% of Carried to be allocated to philanthropic charitable organisations

Investment proposition

In an effort to capture the opportunity offered by the energy transition in Europe, Energy Transition International Capital (ETIC) launched Energy Transition Europe (ETE) fund

Energy Transition Europe (ETE) is a Luxembourg infrastructure fund dedicated to investments in renewable energy infrastructure assets located in Europe

Team Expertise

ETIC has a highly experienced team with industry experience:

  • The managing partners have years of experience working within the same corporate environment and as team members on the same power projects
  • Strong track record in targeting, appraising, and executing investments in the competitive renewable energy sector
  • Specific experience managing minority stake divestments and creating value through portfolio debt refinancing
  • Combined skills in project development, engineering, debt and equity financing, M&A, international finance, fund management, institutional investment
  • Astute assessment of underlying risks that will accompany projects throughout the asset holding period
  • Accurate evaluation of expected cash flows under a wide range of operating scenarios

ETIC senior management team’s track record in Energy Infrastructure

MW installed capacity

projects financed

years of investment track record

EUR M equity invested

EUR M capex financed